UI | Obey "start stopped" config item for dropped torrents. UI | Create torrent wizard now initially defaults torrent save path from "save to" default. Core | Default http tracker to disabled. Core | Added an option to enable the prioritization of most completed Files, default is off. Core | Cleanup and optimize choke-unchoke logic. Core | Update restart logic now preserves JVM max mem setting for Sun JVMs. Core | Reduce tracker re-announce frequency when incoming connections are accepted (unfirewalled). Core | NAT check url changed to aelitis server. Core | Also do dynamic tracker re-announce interval overrides when seeding uses peer count only. Core | Moved config items for tracker client overrides + UDP to tracker client config. Core | Support parameter, used by new linux launcher script. Plug | Status mailer support for plain text notifications Changes:. Plug | Status mailer support for SMTP port, user + password. UI | Pick out links (anything prefixed with "http") in torrent comments in general view.
UI | SWT/Console share support for setting category. UI | Double click on status bar progress area to give details of update/install/uninstall progress. UI | Added download speed limit column to MyTorrents. UI | Option to add torrent downloads silently (without activating main Azureus window). UI | Added Connected Time item to peers view. UI | Added detailed connection State to peers view. UI | Added Seed2PeerRatio item to MyTorrents view. UI | Option to show confirmation dialog on torrent Removal. UI | Added 'share' support to console UI. Core | Apply updates and defer applicaton to later restart/close.
Core | Plugin support for installing and uninstaling plugins. Core | resume data no longer saved to torrent files, stored in %user-dir%/active instead. Core | Can now specify comment to be added to share torrents. Core | Control added to not cache small files (default no cache for access denied. Core | Manual peer upload blocking (when seeding) and kick-banning.
Het changelog van deze release laat de volgende veranderingen zien: New Features: Daarnaast kunnen door middel van plugins de mogelijkheden nog verder worden uitgebreid. Verder heeft het een ingebouwde tracker zodat zelf bestanden delen ook tot de mogelijkheden behoort. Het programma draait onder andere op Linux, MacOS X en Windows en heeft features zoals het geven van prioriteiten over bepaalde torrents of zelfs over afzonderlijke bestanden in een torrent. Op Source Forge kan versie van de in Java geschreven BitTorrent-client Azureus worden opgehaald.