The acting is decent, casting is good (although I don't love Tobey Maguire, he is the right amount of nerdy for Peter Parker, who isn't supposed to be cool).

"Spider-Man", in my review, "a refreshing story, and exciting action".Terrific "modern" superhero movie is the best since Superman I and II. Everyone will find something to enjoy for sure. I was easily impressed with this movie, and it never disappoints to entertain.

I can watch this movie over and over again, and it's still a fun time. Behind "The Dark Knight" and "The Avengers", "Spider-Man" is probably my third favorite superhero movie. Filled with impressive visual effects and a wonderful music score by Danny Elfman, director Sam Raimi perfectly stays true to the original Spider-Man concept, and delivers plenty of exciting action sequences that are both fun to watch, and stay true to the plot. There are few corny and goofy moments from here and there, but that doesn't stop the exciting momentum that this movie brings. Jonah Jameson, the angry editor chief of the Daily Bugle. Simmons, round up the supporting cast, bringing some memorable performances on-screen, especially Simmons, who steals every scene he's in as J. Rosemary Harris, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, and J.K. But, Willem Dafoe seems a little miscast playing the deadly Green Goblin, feeling more like he's suitable for drama, instead of action.

Although given some of the corniest lines of dialouge in this movie, Kirsten Dunst makes an adorable portrayal as Mary Jane Watson, while giving a great chemistry with her co-star. Although Maguire is somewhat bland in a few of his movies, I respected that he fit the role of Peter Parker perfectly, playing a shy kid, with no powers to either beat the bad guy or win the girl. But all that must be put to the test when Parker has to defeat one of the first villains of the Spider-Man universe, the Green Goblin, portrayed by Willem Dafoe. One of my childhood favorites, to be exact! This movie tells the origin story of Peter Parker, or Spider-Man, portrayed by Tobey Maguire, whom after being bit by a radioactive spider, he has gained extraordinary powers to climb walls, shoot web, and beat bad guys. There's no wonder, because this is an exciting and enjoyable motion picture. Considered as one of the most successful superhero movies ever made, "Spider-Man" is a superhero film adaptation of one of Stan Lee's most popular Marvel comics, and becoming one of the first movies to score the highest opening weekend in the box office.